Abetka for animals
General properties
Polyvitamins, other combinations.
They are used for prevention and treatment of animals and poultry with vitamin and amino acid deficiency, disorder of metabolic processes in a body, stress conditions caused by parasitic or infectious diseases, vaccination, transportation, changes in a diet; to improve immunity. Positively affects the productivity, livability and reproductive functions in animals and poultry.
No data available.
Pharmaceutical characteristics
Solution from yellow-pink to brown color, with characteristic smell of amino acids. There is an opalescence.
Keep away from children. Store in dark place under the temperature from 5 ºС to 25 ºС.
Shelf life is 1 years.
Use the water solution of the drug during 12 hours.
Once the vial, container is used for the first time, use the medicinal product during 14 days.