Boric acid
Vitamin E
Sodium hyaluronate
General properties
• To intensify regeneration processes in the areas of atrophic and dystrophic changes of the vaginal mucosa. It is helpful in postnatal rehabilitation, in gynaecological surgeries, in cases of dystrophy due to chemotherapy, ionizing radiation, vaginal dryness caused by oestrogen deficiency.
• Auxiliary remedy in the treatment of vulvovaginal fungal infections in women, including recurrent infections.
• Prevention of recurrences of fungal infections.
• Relieving symptoms of fungal infections – vaginal itch, burning and irritation.
Hypersensitivity to the components of the product. Pregnancy and lactation. Paediatric age.
Pharmaceutical characteristics
Store in original package at the temperature not exceeding 25 °С. Keep away from children. Do not use suppositories, if the package is damaged or after the expiry date.